Green Beans with Dijon Sauce


If you read my last post, you know I did a French night recently. Well, I cannot do French without some delicious fresh green beans! This is loosely inspired by a salad nicoise.

Let’s face it, though. Green beans are a pretty boring vegetable. They bring back memories of poorly drained canned stuff plopped next to frozen Salisbury steak and instant potatoes. Which, by the way, I have the upmost respect for. America was built on meals like that!

However, I can do a bit better now. But how do you make green beans exciting? Bacon-wrapped bundles with brown sugar is a popular side down south, but I wanted something healthier and more savory. A chilled three-bean salad is lovely, but I wanted something warm.

So, this side dish was born. A creamy sauce, crunchy almonds, and perfectly-cooked green beans. I can’t sell this healthy side dish anymore.

Serve with pasta, chicken, fish, beef, or do what I did with the leftovers and plop a fried egg on top!

Need I say more?


  • 1/2 pound fresh green beans, trimmed and cleaned
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 1/4 cup slivered almonds
  • 2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1 tablespoon milk
  • 1 dash Worcestershire sauce
  • salt and pepper


Melt butter in a small pan over medium heat. Add the almonds and stir until toasty, about 5 minutes. They’ll be slightly brown, but the real indicator is the smell of almonds!

Bring salted water to boil. Plop in the green beans for 5 minutes or until desired doneness.

Meanwhile, combine the remaining ingredients in a small bowl.

Drain the beans and transfer to serving dish. Drizzle over the sauce and sprinkle on almonds.

Happy Spring!



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