Peanut Butter Cookie Yogurt


This is barely even a recipe. I did not plan it ahead of time, and I did not intend on blogging it.

I was simply trying to get breakfast in my stomach before class. So how did this end up so delicious?

Well, I happened to have a coincidentally magical trio of ingredients within my immediate vision. The play of events went like so:

7:32am: While getting my coffee creamer, I see a lonely tub of plain Greek yogurt that expired tomorrow.

7:36: I pull out the yogurt thinking I can eat it plain. Unfortunately, plain yogurt tastes like sour cream.

7:37: I look up. Sitting on top of my fridge is a jar of local raw honey. I buy it from a friend who raises bees. It is the most delicious honey I’ve ever had.

7:38: Behind the honey I find a tub of powdered peanut butter. Low-fat, low-sugar, and perfect for stirring into smoothies, milk, and…yogurt

7:40: Pure cookie dough bliss

And thus, a regular Wednesday morning became a thing of wonder. The boring routine of bland breakfast had been broken by an awakening of the spirit.

Want to share in my weekday miracle? Mix 1/2 cup of plain Greek yogurt with 1-2 tablespoons of honey and 2 tablespoons of powdered peanut butter.

Yes, I wrote all that for a one sentence recipe, and I am not ashamed!

Tender Thumbprint Cookies


Confession: I do not use my thumb to make the thumbprint in these cookies. My thumb is really small (I have abnormally teeny hands) and all it does is get cookie dough under my nail.

What do I do? I use my middle finger. I debated calling this post “middle finger cookies” for humor, but that seemed a little less than family friendly.

But these cookies? Totally family friendly! I love them because I can make a variety with several different jams, jellies, nuts, or other fillings. So, your fruity child can get his or her fix, while your chocolate lover can get their’s! Or, if you’re me, you opt for the ones you leave plain, with just a sprinkle of sugar on top.

And you serve them with rich hot chocolate covered in whipped cream, to cut the sweetness. 😉

These cookies only bake for ten minutes, but they do require 15 minutes in the fridge to chill. Don’t skip that step! You want all of the butter to harden up so that you get a nice, creamy cookie.

I served these to a friend who was born in the United Kingdom, where shortbread is the most popular cookie, so you know I had faith in these. He ate four, so I think we’re okay!


  • 1 egg yolk (save the white for breakfast tomorrow!)
  • 1 heaping tablespoon heavy whipping cream
  • 1 heaping teaspoon vanilla (don’t measure this, just go for it)
  • 2 sticks salted butter (or unsalted with some salt)
  • 2/3 cup sugar
  • 2 cups flour
  • Fillings: Apple jam and a sprinkle of cinnamon, pineapple jam, strawberry jam, chocolate spread, a walnut, or nothing!


Preheat the oven to 375, and line two baking sheets with parchment (no need to grease- these cookies don’t stick)

In a small bowl, beat the cream, egg, and vanilla with a fork.

Beat together the butter and sugar until super creamy. Like, 3-4 minutes creamy. Add in the egg mixture. Beat in the flour until combined.

If the dough looks crumbly, add a dash more cream. I swear some days I need it, some I don’t. It’s like the moon cycle determines how crumbly my flour is.

Scoop heaping tablespoons onto the baking sheet. Using your thumb, a small spoon, or your middle finger, create a small indention in the cookies.

After you’ve given all of your cookies the finger, spoon in about half a teaspoon of filling. Don’t overdo it- I know it’s tempting, but save your drippy jelly for your pb&j.

Chill the dough in the fridge for about 15 minutes, until it feels like store-bought cookie dough!

Bake for ten minutes, or until the sides of the cookie are brown. You should be able to poke the jam in the middle and your finger come back clean.



Coconut Peanut Butter Balls

My darling grandmother is mostly bedridden, so cooking for herself is usually out of the question. During the week, she gets meals on wheels, but on the weekends, my mother and I like to keep her fed!

She has a sensitive tummy, so rich things like meat and cheese don’t really work for her. She also only eats a few bites at once, so taking her something like a scrambled egg would go to waste. So, I wrote this recipe to get her some protein in just a couple bites, without making her sick. She can just grab one of these out of the fridge every couple hours, and we know she’s getting something that will keep her strong.

But, these are not designed just for elderly people with sensitive tummies! These are a delicious treat, perfect for a no-cook snack or dessert, or even breakfast! Kids will gobble them down by the handful, and you can just make a big batch and keep them in the fridge all week for lunchboxes/ after school!

The best part? They’re the perfect cross between candy and energy bites. They’re sweet and creamy, but also full of nutrition. Just eating one makes me feel like a kid with my peanut butter sandwich at school.

You may want to double or triple this quantities 🙂

Ingredients (makes approx. 8 balls)

  • 1/4 cup creamy peanut butter
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons honey
  • 1/2 cup old fashioned oats
  • 1/4 cup shredded sweetened coconut, plus more for rolling

Combine all of the ingredients in a bowl and stir until combined. Using a tablespoon, scoop out the dough and roll into small balls. Roll in the additional coconut until coated, and serve!